Tuesday, February 22, 2011

$1.50 = TOTAL $165.50 (w/Tyndale matching = $331.00) = 1296 meals to FeedMyStarvingChildren

this definitely would have been a Starbucks day, but not a Jimmy Johns one. I had some good leftovers to bring. So $1.50 for the iced coffee I didn't have.

Sidenote: I got an anonymous letter left on my desk this morning from someone at work. It had a $20 gift card to Jimmy Johns and said "Jen- So you can contribute and still enjoy Jimmy Johns"

that was so nice and unexpected! So thanks, if you're reading this!

1 comment:

  1. Jen! You are doing an amazing thing! I'm so impressed, I might start something similar on my own (minus the blog - just recording it in a folder maybe).
