Sunday, November 4, 2012

Book Club - continued

we finally had our first book club. Well, technically our second, no on was able to make it to the first one except for my sister and I. But, this month, we had 2 other ladies and it was wonderful. We discussed "Radical" by David Platt and they both said it really opened up their eyes. They are both long time Christians and it sounded like this was just what they wanted/needed to hear.

Our next meeting is in only 3 weeks and we will be discussing the first 3 chapters of "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire" by Jim Cymbala. That's another book I read a couple of years ago, which was very inspiring.

I'm so encouraged by the conversations we had on saturday. And so glad I obeyed God's continual nudging to start this book club. I ended up handing out 150 flyers, got about 7 responses. And 4 people came, including my sister and I.  But a couple others sound very interested, just couldn't make it last time.

We also talked about being a "missional community" in our neighborhood. Perhaps collecting cans of food for the food pantry and getting to know the neighbors a little that way. And asking, what else can we do in the neighborhood. Perhaps there are shut-ins who need help. etc.

very exciting!

Friday, November 2, 2012


George Muller (founder of the Bristol Orphanage in the last century - got all the money for the orphanage through prayer!) once said, 

"The vigor of our Spiritual Life will be in exact proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts.... I have read the Bible through one hundred times, and always with increasing delight. Each time it seems like a new book to me. Great has been the blessing from consecutive, diligent, daily study. I look upon it as a lost day when I have not had a good time over the Word of God."

Billy Graham wrote in "The Holy Spirit":
As we approach the end of the age, persecution is going to be intensified. We are already seeing evidences in many parts of the world. The Scriptures you memorize now and the teachings of the Word of God you learn now will sustain you in that hour!—if you are called on to suffer physically and mentally for the name of Christ!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

book club

Thursday, February 2nd, I blogged about wanting to start a women's Christian book club in my neighborhood. Well, I finally did it! It seemed like God kept putting it on my mind, to the point where I couldn't not do it. And this is great timing too because my sister is moving into my townhouse and we're moving to Wheaton, so this will help her meet friends in the neighborhood (she's from Indianapolis).

Last Monday I handed out about 25 flyers around the neighborhood stating we'd start with "Radical" by David Platt and meet once a month. And then this Monday I handed out 25 more.

Last week I got one response from the woman across the street who I had met a week before. But then yesterday after I handed out more, I got a voicemail from someone who got one last week and I called her back. She said she had it on her dresser all week and felt God was telling her to do it. And then Tuesday I received an email from another woman who's really excited to be part of it. So that makes 5 of us (including my sister and I). I've been praying about it off and on all week that someone is holding on to it and God would nudge them to call (like the one woman did). I'll continue praying, I'd love it if I got at least 1 or 2 more women to come.

I'm so glad God put it on my heart to do this (6 months ago) and that he kept bringing it to mind and  I actually followed through. Why is it so hard for us to do God's will, when it brings so much blessing in the end?

If you think of it, pray for my neighbors and that more women will join, and that they will grow closer to God and close to each other.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have this photo on my pinterest account. It links to here: Famine in Baidoa, Somalia: 1992
Looking at it you can't help but be inspired to give more and store up less

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

fundraiser for Feed My Starving Children - Applebees

I was just notified of a fundraiser starting April 18th and then every 2nd Wednesday of the month through 2012.  Feel free to pass the information around to family and friends. All you have to do is bring the flyer (see below) to Applebees in Aurora, IL on the specific dates and 15% of your bill goes to Feed My Starving Children.

The letter below the flyer explains it all. _____________________

My name is Joyce Kalicki.  I am an individual that volunteered through my church, Word of Life, Naperville, to help pack meals for Feed My Starving Children.  As volunteers we were amazed at how many starving children this organization feeds.  The Feed My Starving Children in Illinois packed 77 million meals by using about 345,000 VOLUNTEERS!   The Feed My Starving Children location in Aurora, Illinois only has 8 full time and 12 part time employees.  The ladies of Word of Life Lutheran Church started looking for ways to support this amazing organization that does so much with so little money.  (A package of food that feeds six costs approximately $1.50!)

Applebees  Bar and Grill in Aurora, Illinois offered the program Dining to Donate.   With this program the community has the opportunity to support Feed My Starving Children by simply going out to eat!  This is something most of us do every week!  Applebees has partnered with us and is going to donate 15% of all food sales in which the dining party submits to the server the attached flyer (above).  The key is that it must be submitted to the Aurora Applebees on 59 on Wednesday April 18th, 2012 from 11am to 11pm.

Please consider joining this community effort and helping feed starving children in the United States and 69 other countries?  All you need do is advertise this fundraiser by speaking of it and passing on the attached official flyer from Applebees.  We as a community can EAT OUT and help starving children all over the world!  This means that if someone eats a $10.00 meal at Applebees of Aurora, Illinois on Wednesday, April 18, 2012 and submits the attached official Applebees flyer to the server Feed My Starving Children will receive $1.50.  This will allow FMSC to pack SIX meals for starving children.

Please consider partnering with us to raise money for Feed My Starving Children to help empower them to feed children all over the world.

If you have any questions please contact me.  I would love to hear from you.

Joyce Kalicki

Friday, February 24, 2012

not much going on

nope, haven't done anything regarding setting up a book club around here.

BUT, I am in another "Radical" book club. This will be my second one, and third time reading the book :)

It's a Tyndale one, 6 people from work, we were the spill over from those who signed up first.

that's all for now

Thursday, February 2, 2012


well, I made a little mistake. I didn't end up giving $1097 in 2011. I let 2011 slip by without realize I need to actually GIVE that money in 2011 to get the doubled amount from Tyndale. I was so focused on typing the money in here until the last minute, that I didn't think about donating that last amount. So, I got $800 donated in 2011, therefore, Tyndale will donate $800 too. And, all is not lost, if Tyndale does it again for this year, then I can get the rest of it doubled :)

On to 2012.

I'm not sure if I'll continue blogging. But I did want to write this in here. So it's out there and perhaps more likely to happen.

I've been thinking about starting a women's Christian book club in my neighborhood. We could start with "Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire", move on to "Radical" and so many more good Christian books. The question is, how do I go about inviting my neighbors who I don't know. Do I put letters at their doors. Do I walk around knocking on doors. Do I put a flier out at a local establishment? And will anyone respond? Or, should I find out if there's a way to do it online. or, is anyone already doing it in the area, which, again, I could find out online.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

$1097 is the TOTAL for my 2011 donations to FMSC! w/Tyndales money that equals 8,214 meals!

So $1097 x 3.917 ($1 = 3.917 meals) = 4,296 meals + $1000 (because Tyndale doubles the donation, up to $1000), so that's $2097 x 3.917 = 8,214 meals!

very satisfying. However, I have felt weird this whole year about showing everyone how much I'm donating. It feels like I'm tooting my own horn and makes me uncomfortable. So I'm glad it's over, but I'm also glad I did it, and saw how much of a difference not eating out makes. And giving up haircuts, some clothing, some presents, etc. That money can go to something much more useful. And I want to think of other things I don't need, since we Americans can spend our money so frivolously.

I don't have any big speech to end this, this is it. It's been a pretty simple blog the whole year (much to my sisters amusement) and I'll finish it simply.

Hope this helps someone else out there to give more to others and less to themselves.

New Living Translation (NLT) Matthew 6:19-21 19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.


$1 donated to FeedMyStarvingChildren=4 meals (3.917 to be exact) To get the total number of meals that will go to Feed My Starving Children take the dollar amount times 3.917. $100 equals 391 meals.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

finished the OY Chronological Bible

I finished reading the Bible at 11:30pm last night, right before the end of the year. I only had 4 pages left but almost forgot because Jason and I were playing out new game "Settlers of Catan" until 11pm.

I'm sad to say, but this is the first time I've stayed up tell midnight on New Years in a few years. My excuse, I suppose, is I had a 9 month old and then 1 year 9 month old. So now, with an almost 3 year old, I could handle it.