Tuesday, May 31, 2011

TOTAL $384.50 = 1506 meals to FeedMyStarvingChildren

it seemed like it was time for another total.


I've missed a few days because my blog's not working from my home computer.

So, Last Wed and Thursday I did not have Starbucks ($4). I did go out to eat Thursday, but not Wed, w/ friends from work ($5). And Thursday, on the way to work I was really tempted to get a McDonald's coffee, and didn't ($1.50). Then Monday I really wanted a Caribou coffee, but my husband talked me out of it, saying "what about the starving children?" and I said, ahhhh, you're right. ($2)

And finally, today, I did not get Starbucks (although I want it), and did not get Jimmy Johns ($6.50)

Instead, I'm listening to a sermon from the author of "Radical".

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


No Jimmy Johns today. And I returned a couple of necklaces yesterday that I bought last week at Kohl's.

I went to Kohl's in the first place because I had a $10 coupon. But I left with 5 necklaces, thinking, I'd go home, see which one, or two, matched most outfits and then take back the others. But in the end I really didn't NEED any of them, so back they went. It's sometimes easier to return things once I live with them for a few days and realize they're not that important.

However, I did go to Starbucks today. I'm going to try harder tomorrow. I keep using the excuse that I need the relaxation of the Starbucks experience, and I love reading there. But if I keep reminding myself of why I'm doing this I should be able to stick it out and find something else to do.

I am so weak. But I'm slowly changing and gaining a better perspective of things.

On a side note: I really need to exercise.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

$15 Tues, Wed, and Thur

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday no Jimmy Johns, but I did have Starbucks (not today though).

Today we had a "Radical" book club at work.

Monday, May 16, 2011

$8.00 - Thursday, May 12th and Monday, May16th (I'm behind)

No Jimmy Johns and no Coffee on Thursday. And today, I didn't even go out for my cheap McDonald's $1 coffee.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


no Jimmy Johns, no Starbucks, and not much food at lunch. I worked through lunch.

I've got to include something more inspirational soon. But I've been so busy I haven't had time. Sorry to the few of you who check this.  :)    Ah, and I need to add up the money again soon!  

Saturday, May 7, 2011


this is for Friday, I had a snack at home rather than getting Subway.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


no Jimmy Johns, but I did do Starbucks. Yep, I'm going downhill. What's my excuse, you ask. Work has been very busy this week, and it's so relaxing to go to Starbucks. I did work there though, doing sketches for a new cover, but that was relaxing too. So, maybe it's not as bad that I went, since it was work hours. No, that just sounds like a bad excuse.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


no Jimmy Johns or Starbucks. It was another close call, I so wanted Starbucks today!

Dean and I will be starting a "Radical" book club at work. Even though I've read it once, reading it again will help keep me inspired to keep giving up unnecessary things.

Monday, May 2, 2011

TOTAL $301 = 1179 meals to FeedMyStarvingChildren

I figured it was time to add it up again. It's amazing how far so little goes.

And it's sad how hard it can be to give up a small luxury like coffee, extra clothes, and new toys that Jonas doesn't need because he has plenty of hand me downs. It's best just to avoid going out to places like ToysRus and the mall unless absolutely necessary. If I don't see these things, I don't want them.

Feed My Starving Children Food Recipient Quotes
