Sunday, January 30, 2011


I'm reading a Charles Spurgeon book, "Spurgeon on Prayer and Spiritual Warefare". So far I really like it. If you don't know Spurgeon, here's a little history. He lived from 1834 to 1892 and was a preacher in England. He started preaching at age 16 and preached to an estimated ten million people throughout his life. There are over a million Charles Spurgeon books in print.
  This book has been enlightening regarding prayer. Here's a quote I just read in the book:
  "Alas, a great many people play at praying; it is nothing better. I say they play at praying; they do not expect God to give them an answer, and thus they are mere triflers who mock the Lord. He who prays in a businesslike way, meaning what he says, honors the Lord. The Lord does not play at promising; Jesus did not sport an confirming the Word by His blood; and we must not make a jest of prayer by going about it in a listless, unexpecting spirit.
   I picked up the Spurgeon book after reading his name in several other books I've read over the past year. Furthermore, I just finished designing a Tyndale book that's coming out soon called "We Shall See God" by Randy Alcorn. description: Randy Alcorn has compiled the most profound spiritual insights on the topic of eternity from these sermons and arranged them into an easily-accessible, highly inspirational devotional format complete with his own comments and devotional thoughts.
another subject: Jason and I watched the documentary "no impact man" last night. It was thought provoking, I recommend it.

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