Tuesday, November 1, 2011


tomorrow (wed) I'm going to try VERY hard to not go to Starbucks and stay in the cafeteria at work and eat/read. Thanks to Dean I have a good book to read, Francis Chan's new book:

Erasing Hell: What God Said about Eternity, and the Things We Made Up 

which goes nicely with my hell book reading theme lately.  

So, how hard can it be to not leave the building. Or, at least, not leave the building and go to Starbucks. 

As always, not going to Jimmy Johns and Subway hasn't been a problem. It's just the allure of reading in the beautiful environment of Starbucks and feeling the sensation of caffeine running through my veins. 

I started the whole starbucks thing more than a year ago, and NEVER should have. Before that, I was just fine reading somewhere else during lunch. But now, it's an addiction. 

So maybe I'll go back Thursday, but at least I can commit to not going tomorrow. Surely I can do that!

Alright, that's all for now. Over the last few days I've thought of many other things to write, but haven't had time. Or the desire to get back on the computer after getting Jonas to bed. 

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